Online games have a bad reputation, and wrongly so

Online games unjustly have a bad reputation

By no means everything is bad that one fears and hears about gaming and gambling on the Internet. Of course, as in any other area of life, the motto “too much is unhealthy” applies here. People who regularly pass their time playing games are by no means addicted and certainly not lost. The only prerequisite: that people inform themselves in detail about the topic of online gaming.

Even if children and young people enter the cosmos of virtual games every day, there is not automatically the danger of addiction, alienation from reality or brutalization. This has already been proven by studies in the past. On the contrary – getting involved with online gaming creates clarity for carefree play, which can be beneficial for young and old alike.

The writer George Bernard Shaw once said appropriately: “We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop gambling”. Unfortunately, it really looks like we are losing our lightness and spontaneity more and more as the years go by, and are devoting ourselves more to the serious issues. In terms of our psychophysical well-being, losing the aforementioned qualities can have serious consequences.

Even for adults it is important not to forget about gambling, because it has positive effects on the environment in any variant. For example, the moments of playing shared with other people increase the emotions and feelings. This in turn is conducive to interpersonal relationships as well as closeness and compassion. Gambling frees the mind and puts negative external influences into perspective. In this day and age of the Internet, there are almost unlimited possibilities for finding a game play on the Internet that best suits one’s own needs and preferences. On the pages of one can quickly and easily find providers for sports betting and games in online casinos. In addition, the site still provides a whole range of tips and advice.

Stimulating brain and memory performance

People who pursue their favorite game on a mobile device, on a console or online on a computer stimulate not only their visual but also their acoustic memory. A player often has to listen to or read instructions, which are usually provided at the beginning of a game, but must be committed to memory throughout game play. The keyboard must be mastered, because it helps to move the game characters back and forth in the game. These explanations are permanently beneficial for the memory.

Players who regularly engage in video games can – according to recent studies from the U.S. – the constant challenges to the brain during the game faster than others to process. In this respect, games are always an excellent “playful” source of learning. Since online gaming also contributes to the development of children and young people, it is no wonder that many modern educational institutions integrate video games as a teaching method to train and improve creative and cognitive skills.

  • Just as regular physical exercise helps strengthen muscles, games help increase the brain’s ability to conduct with constant stimulation.

Playing is communication

Gambling is also an aid to seeking and maintaining social contacts. Online games allow constant communication and a lively exchange between players. These contacts in turn lead to friendships and casual relationships. So you can playfully find new friends, but also strengthen old friendships at the same time.

Improve multitasking ability

Among action games, for example, it is the case that this category of games requires the full attention of its player. A player must be able to operate the game characters quickly and correctly using a keyboard on a computer or cell phone. All this has to happen simultaneously with the viewing of various functions on the screen: It can be about the remaining energy level, dangerous opponents, remaining ammunition, time, and many other factors that are crucial for a win. Those who master all this can be sure that they not only meet the requirements of the game in question, but also improve their multitasking skills and train their responsiveness.

By the way: memory games, which required problem solving as well as memory exercises, have according to a study particularly with older humans positively noticeable. Although the subjects “only” played actively for ten hours, this time was sufficient to improve cognitive (perceiving, thinking) functions in the over-50s.


An invaluable advantage of games are the rules. They are precisely specified and therefore demand discipline and respect not only from others, but also from ourselves. Those who lead a life without gambling are at a higher risk of stress-related illnesses, psychological and interpersonal problems.